Ideal services was sent by my home warranty company, Fidelity National, to address a corroded and leaking water heater. The tech was friendly and after inspection decided that the heater should be replaced. I was quoted $355 out of pocket for necessary "modifications"
$125 for a new Gas line ($20 at home depot)
$105 to shorten my vent as the new heater was taller than the last (free, move two screws)
$125 to modify the drain line to reach the T&P valve on the new heater. (unnecessary)
I knew these prices were high but it still made more sense than taking the buyout from my home warranty and installing a new unit myself.
While inspecting the new unit that was to be installed I asked the tech what the plug was for that was in the same location as my old heaters T&P valve. He told me it was for a water re circulation pump and was not able to be used for the T&P valve. I believed him and left him to his work.
As he was wrapping up I found and began reading the installation instructions for the new unit. The instructions showed that the T&P valve could be mounted either on top of the unit (which required "modification" of my drain line) or on the face of the unit in the exact same spot as my previous unit.
I brought this to the Tech's attention and told him that I would not be paying the $125 for the unnecessary modification. He put me on the phone with his supervisor who insisted it was against code in install the T&P valve on the face of the unit as had been done on my old unit. I immediately researched codes which do not specify which port is appropriate for T&P installation. The supervisor then agreed to remove the charge for the T&P modification.
I paid the inflated pricing for the new gas line and the shortening of the vent because I realize their overhead and assume that Home Warranty pays them a significantly reduced rate.
I hate being lied to and that is exactly why I disputed the cost of the T&P valve modification and will refuse to allow Ideal Services back in my home.