| - I drove past this place last weekend when my man was dropping off his bike at the BMW Motorcycle shop... anyways, my point being, it's kind of hidden away, without major traffic passing it by, so I wouldn't have known about it otherwise...
I called that day and was able to get an appointment with Hannah. At first I just thought she had an accent, but then she told me she was hearing impaired, and since she only reads lips, wouldn't be chatting with me during the cut so she focus on my hair.
I personally LOOOOVED this. I hate when people I don't know feel like they are forced to make small talk with me for an hour. I don't care about your kids, or your boyfriend, and I don't really want to tell you about my life either... Just do my hair, and make it look good. (sorry if this sounds bitchy, but it's sooooo true, and I know I'm not the only one out there) So anyways, right off the bat I freakin' loved her!
Now onto the cut. Very good. She worked fast and efficiently. Took my lifeless, split end, damaged hair, and make it look healthy and shiny.
Style/Blow Out - AMAAAAAZING. This is after all what they are known for. I have thick curly hair that I always blow out, but then that needs to be smoothed out with a flat iron. Not Hannah, somehow her magic worked and when she turned the chair back around, my hair was flawless! I was seriously impressed.
I would definitely recommend Hannah to any of my friends!!