I usually do not have any problems here but there is one employee that bothers me and I haven't said anything but after today I can't help myself anymore. Everyone is nice and works hard and I always leave happy with my nails but not with what goes on with Heather. She has done my nails numerous times and usually does a fine a job but she can't stop talking about her drama. One time she cried the whole time doing my nails and cut the crap out of my hands and yes HANDS not just my fingers. Another time she had to use the restroom in the middle of doing my service which is fine I did not mind but when I saw her walk over to Tony Sacos and have a drink while she is in the process of doing my nails I was not very happy. Today my whole service she talked about her Facebook drama and stuff about her "crazy ex boyfriend" to an extent that I did not know how to react. She then also charged me for a manicure when I just got a color change with my shellac. Overall nice staff but avoid Heather! She's nice but I don't really need a life story and I don't need to leave in bandaids!