After spending last fall and this spring trying desperately to eradicate a mysterious green invasive plant in my yard, I recently ripped a chunk by the roots, go in my car and went to The Bruce Company. They have a plant help desk there (near the back of the main garden center) which is staffed by "know it all" experts! After a few moments of rolling this green nemesis through his fingers he told me it was wild oregano....what?! He said it's very invasive (which I knew), and walked me over to their magical potions aisle, handed me a bottle of Bonide brand chemicals and sent me home to spray on the newly identified horror. Within two days this green mess was a beautiful shade of wilted brown!!! Sure The Bruce Company isn't the cheapest greenhouse in town, but you get what you pay for.,,I'd spend at least $100 on other products trying to kill this weed that was taking over my grass...and had I got over to Bruce's earlier, this $18 bottle of chemical would have cured the mess!
Outstanding service, expert staff, and they even offer a return policy! Go to Middleton and buy local!!!!!