| - Believe it or not, after years of watching info-mercials I finally broke down and bought a P90x box set. I am only in at day 3 and already feel results, especially in my arms and shoulders and my abs.
Since I am on this vein, supplement and work out fitness stores are now on my radar. Enter Popeye's simply because you can't miss it and it is the land of huge tub bin supplements. Whilst entering the store I couldn't even see the counter person because there are colossal pyramid configurations of plastic tubs all over the store.
Finally when he peaked out I thought it was Popeye himself, this guy was totally buffed. I mentioned that I was on the program and he said don't fall into getting the recovery drink that they sell, the DVD set is amazing but the recovery drink is lacking. Instead he pointed me to a bin of supplement product which just happened to be on sale. This he said would increase my energy and I wouldn't have as much appetite. I left with a 5 pound tub the size of his one muscle at $59 and I am now drinking it every morning. It's delicious, with all the wonderful flavours; chocolate, strawberry, mint, I choose the vanilla.
Service was very good at this store, and his prices were amazing, if you are supplement minded you will like this location conveniently located on Macleod Trail.