From a newspaper report on health code violations in Champaign-Urbana restaurants:
"B Won (2006 S. Neil St., C) also failed twice. On Sept. 2, a health inspector witnessed an employee pour a bucket of bloody juice into a sink and another employee rinse a pot of leafy greens in the same sink a minute later.
The restaurant failed with an adjusted score of 4 out of 100 and seven critical violations.
B Won received an adjusted score of 40 out of 100, just five points away from failing, on its Sept. 30 re-inspection.
In total, the restaurant has failed five out of 18 inspections since 2008 and had a median score of 54 out of 100.
It failed again March 1 with an adjusted score of 19 out of 100 and five critical violations, including potentially hazardous food storage of fish, shrimp and tofu out of safe temperature ranges. The restaurant passed its re-inspection March 31 with an adjusted score of 53."