| - Even the Toronto Star acknowledges how horrendous the service was at Patois Restaurant:
Jamaican-Chinese restaurant Patois on Dundas West falls short on good vibrations.
You think if you order the entire menu (twice), you'd get at least a smile? (Now that I think about it, why offer family-style feasts on the menu if you can't accommodate to large groups??)
- Our server, (didn't even get her name - she was blonde, Cacausian, bad eyebrows) didn't speak or smile or give constructive opinions on the menu to any of guests (but implement 18% tip anyway)
- Make us wait an hour for our bills DESPITE having asked for split bills at the b e g i n n i n g of our reservation, and of course she didn't.
- We had to flag down our server saying we can help and already split the bills ourselves because she was obviously having problems.
- But instead, she was being passive aggressive, not communicating to us so we can collectively reach a compromise/talk out a solution. But instead she chose to be mad at our table for not seating being able to seat her next big party. Who's fault is that when you give our bill and ignore us for an hour?
- After refusing to acknowledge or service your table she asked another server to cash us out. Someone who told us she was new to be country. If you're reading this, you were wonderful and shouldn't have been in the middle of this at all.
- She finally gave us or bills and GUESS WHAT? She had the audacity to not only auto-gratuity 18% to our table and not even face us to do it. The new server had to deal with our complaints. When one person in my group refuses to pay the $1 off their $8 auto-tip, she refused and said "It's the restaurant policy to have the 18% gratuity."
- We speak to Manager and he says "Just pay your bill and get out"
FOH with your shitty service and auto-grat. Don't be a shitty server and implement 18% tip for doing absolutely nothing on top of being ludicrously rude. The table was full of people who had years of customer service experience and this place had none of that.
After confronting the situation, Manager Richard [edit: removed last name for privacy reasons] said there was a computer glitch (which we were never informed about, maybe we could've troubleshooted because we already split the bills ourselves, and maybe you could have seated your next big table and you can auto-grat them too.
He also kept insisting on putting blame on us saying we were 45 mins late for our reservation - FALSE, because I was there promptly at 6pm - We were drinking and deciding what to get on the menu with little to no help or feedback from our shitty server.
He invited us back to give them another try after finding out the table is a bunch of Yelp reviewers, asked for my name and to reach out to him. But I highly doubt the impression they left on us could be remedied. I'm not going back there with you knowing my name so you can spit in my food and serve it to me. With the way you were talking to your table, I wouldn't be surprised. The food was good but the service left a bad taste in my mouth.