I've been to most of the shows in Vegas. This time I decided to try something a little different and go with a recommendation from our hotel's concierge even though it wasn't top rated. The ultimate decision was to go to this show. My friends and I decided to buy the VIP ticket for this particular show to ensure better seating for one. All I can say is that "wow" it was more than worth it. The Gazillionaire was crazy funny. He has some hardcore jokes against the audience. His jokes reminded me of Russell Peters because some people can be offended. The Gazillionaire and his sister could lose the theatrics and just do standup comedy and it would be equally good if not better. If you are easily offended then don't go, even though I think what you see on the strip is more offensive. The venue is inside a small tent not like your typical Vegas show. It reminded me of the old shows I used to see in London. The reason I didn't give it five stars is because:
1. The chairs are way too small like a kid size and are packed in there like sardines. Literally the people next to me were practically sitting in my lap.
2. The VIP ticket came with your choice of beer, wine or champagne. And since I don't drink I requested a bottle of water instead. They wouldn't give me water. They wanted to charge me for it. Which makes no sense. Bottled water is way cheaper than alcohol. I could've sold the beer and then bought 10 bottles of water.
It's hands down a hilarious show. Not too expensive and it's about 90 min. Just the perfect length of time. If you don't want to be picked on then don't sit in the front.
Just to be fair, my friend from overseas who went to the show with me had a different POV. Since he doesn't have a Yelp account, I just wanted to share his thoughts here. He gives the show 1 star. His biggest complaint is that the jokes were not witty at all. At least Russell Peters is intelligent and can do every accent, etc so when he picks on audience members and their ethnic backgrounds or cultures it's done in a very witty way. The Gazillionaire just says the dumbest things about blacks, gays, republicans, etc that my 12 year old nephew could come up with. Nothing sounds written or thought through. It's just juvenile and racist. He could barely stomach the show.