In a convenient location in the heart of Jewish Thornhill exists this kosher-certified Second Cup franchise. All food and beverage served is kosher, mostly dairy, some Cholov Yisroel as indicated.
Service is just slightly more removed and impersonal than other Second Cup franchises, but expect a complete halt when someone familiar to the staff comes in, regardless of whether their presence is to actually have something or just to say hi, which seems to happen more often here than in most coffee places I've visited.
Beverages, for the most part, are/taste the same as any other Second Cup; it's the food that's the real change here. As it's provided by local kosher bakeries, it's a departure from what one acquires from the average Second Cup.
As for the seating, I've found it's either full of people of all ages -and vocal projectability- who seem to have been sitting their for hours (as usual, the staff doesn't care) or completely empty. Rarely have I seen it at some point in the middle. Atmosphere is nil as the seating is too close together for comfort and due to the aforementioned noisy clientele.