It's was cold and quiet with the exception of a screaming baby. No warm feeling or door greeting for that matter. My 3-year old actually asked me if this was the doctors office. LOL! -- and she hates the doctors office. Very cold place - vibe wise. It's now 22-mins past my 10:30 am appointment - I've long filled out the intro paper work and am now sitting in the car in their pkg lot writing this review. I sat alone in the wait room and no one ever said said Hello - not even when they silently handed me the paperwork. Lucky me, this place is literally within walking distance to our home and unfortunately my child care search continues. F.Y.I. It is imperative that I feel that you absolutely love your job and that YOUR ESTABLISHMENT is a great place to be in -- in order for me to feel OK with leaving my child in your care. This was not that place. I witnessed 2 employees get into a tiff behind the counter over 'who didn't do what at some other time." Really? The ONE STAR that I did render is because, honestly it's A GOOD THING that I saw THIS type of staff service on Day 1 rather than....