If you've never ridden a roller coaster, this one would be a very poor introduction.
A few reviews mention the "view." Please note that the high seat backs block your view. To see anything you must put your head outside the car, which bends your neck in an awkward position.
Much of the fun of a coaster is watching the ride unfold as you zoom along the tracks. With your view blocked, you don't see that. The back of the seat in front of you is about all you see.
Pictures don't convey how claustrophobic the thing is. You're crammed in there with that seat back practically in your face. Check out Aaron M.'s photo (#6).
The rave reviews are probably from neophytes. The day has finally come for your first trip to Vegas. You're gonna cut loose and live a little, do things you've never done. Get a tattoo, fire a machine gun, buy one of those whopper souvenir drinks to display next to your super hero action figures. And maybe ride a roller coaster for the first time. Wheeee!
If you've ridden a few roller coasters you'll probably agree this one is only average at best.
Still, there's probably no such thing as a "bad" roller coaster. They're all fun. For $14 you have every right to expect better.