My boyfriend and friend got their piercings done on the same day from Amber. She made sure to take her time to make sure everything was perfect and done in the way it should be done. While another place that will not be named, that is apparently the top place to go decided that they had to much of an important client to take one more person, Amber at Abstract Arts decided to take all of us. Even though we were a bit late she made sure to get the jobs done in a timely manner, had us laughing and was just amazing all around. I was making fun of my boyfriend and my friend as they were in pain.... O_O I know that seems mean but they plan to do it back to me hehehe. I plan to go there and get my piercing done next. Thank you Amber for such an amazing experience I look forward to seeing you for my piercing. There is a two for one on Sundays which is amazing but even on regular days their pricing is just mind blowing and for the quality given its so worth it. As for the inside of the actual shop its just mind blowing. Love, Love, Love this place.