Business must be good when you have an answering service that just hangs up on you if you don't know what selection to make. This particular store has done a lot of good service by me (they helped me with a warranty issue that other Staples declined) so I have to give them 3 stars but I have to admit, I would avoid Staples period for the over all service except they have put all the boutique type stores with better service and selection out of business so we now have no choice but to accept box store service and limited selection. Recently I wanted some black letter size file folders, none of their stores carry them in store so if I want any other color it is $20.00 more. if I want black, I have to pay $20.00 extra plus a handling charge of $5.00 and wait a couple of days. Does this seem like a scam to you? Do you think it is good customer service? Do you think they will make more items special order to grab the extra $5.00. It may not sound like much but it is 25% more. I wouldn't mind if they brought them to my home, but I have to go back to the store and pick them up. This is what happens when we cheap out and keep the bad guys in business instead of paying a little more and keeping the good guys in business. For this and many other customer service reason I only give 3 stars. Damn it, I can't do it, I got to roll it back to 2 stars....
So did I buy them at Staples and pay? NO! I called 416-588-7718 Midoco at 555 Bloor Street W, They have them in stock and will hold a box for me at the cash and they are $5 cheaper for a total savings of $10.
Maybe you don't have to pay more to keep the good guys in business. Join in folks and support the good guys and shop boutique! And by the way no automatize voice mail to hang up on me.
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