Heard some great word of mouth about this place but could never quite find it for the longest time. That's because its' hidden away in a tiny plaza on the corner of 7th and Pecan, between a subshop and a Caribbean restaurant, and I have lately been kicking myself because I've been driving past this tiny little burger joint for the longest time when I should have been eating there. Bang Bang Burgers has been pumping out some of the best burgers in the Charlotte area for a little over a year now - creating a menu of both solid favorites like bacon burgers and other more exotic concoctions, all featuring the freshest ingredients with little gourmet touches to make your tastebuds explode with flavor. If you like a regular old burger go to Five Guys. If you want something with just as much meat but with a ton more flavorful options with a reasonable price, go to Bang Bang. Two Bangs, because the Bang is not only in the buck (price) but also the flavor, as your tastebuds will savor, and thank you later, gator.