Sitara opened on Tuesday, September 3, 2013. The owner used to be the counterman at Bombay at 4th & Green in campus.
Unlike Bombay, Sitara serves on china plates with metal flatware, waiter service and nicer digs all around.
I had the spicy fish chili for $7.99 at lunch. The Fish Chili has large chucks of whitefish and green peppers in a hot brown sauce. Excellent, with a nice kick to it.
This place will be a regular lunch stop for Downtown Urbana folks. Prices are reasonable, about the same as the Bombay at 4th & Green, but not eating off of styrofoam with plastic forks. Lunch entrees were $5.99, $6.99 and $7.99.
Sitara is in the space formerly occupied by the Embassy, The Red Star Liquors, and Black Rock Pizza; all across the street from Busey Bank's parking lot on Race Street between Elm and Main.