READ THIS!!! BEWARE ABBY DENTAL ... Even though the two Bimbos on their overpriced television campaigne say they can Finance you in house, the truth is their prices are through the roof. They lied to my wife and I on the phone about which insurances they accept ... Which are none of them!!! Then they tell us that our insurance company will reimburse us for the majority of the work done including the X-ray and initial visit charge of $50 each. Our insurance was not able to reimburse us a penny. And after quoting my wife and I for combined dental work of $12K ... Including extractions to make way for costly implants ... we were very pleased to find an alternative which was perfect 32 Dental on Charleston. Perfect 32 did all of our dental work for less than $3,000 and allowed us to save all of the teeth Abby wanted to remove and replace. When you sit in the lobby of Abbey Dental any look up at the screen with all the good comments those comments are cohearsed by the dental assistants with an in-room tablet after your xrays on the first visit. What ripoff artists. POS office. Go to Perfect 32!!! Real dentistry by ppl who care.