SCAM, SCAM, SCAM!!! This scamming company is mailing out these dubious post cards pretending it is doing a ecommerce satisfaction survey company. In reality, it is a SCAM to get your private information to sell unsuspecting customers $10,000 water filter systems. You will never get the Amazon gift card.
They claim they are from the "government" and they urgently need to test your water. Furthermore, they will be put some chemical in your water during the sales pitch that will turn your perfectly safe water into a brown goo. SCAM! SCAM! SCAM!
I've lost alot of respect for Home Depot for associating themselves with these scammers. The free water testing kits at Home Depot is just another a slimy unsuspecting sales tactic they use to get your information. Please don't fall for this SCAM. Lots on Youtube from investigative reporters that describe this type of scam in detail.