This Walgreens is terrible and the two managers are ignorant cows. Your customer service is atrocious, I was in there with my service dog and this fat black lady asked me if I hold my service dog while she walks past because she scared of dogs, I told her no he's a service dog and she needs to get over herself, was he didn't like that and started cussing me out and the stupid managers didn't do a thing. They let this fat black chick tell her stupid head off until I dropped my items and just left. No wonder there's so many homeless people in your parking lot cause the management is garbage losers The only way you can get people to come in is because you have alcohol that's ridiculously cheaper than anyone else lol. Which thank God your employee gave me the coupon which is not supposed to so I don't have to go into your hellhole ever again I can take your I store coupon to a better location. So thanks for never having to come back since you can't train your staff to not give out the In store coupons. Cheap alcohol for everybody!