This place is a factory. Not a nice modern factory that makes iPhones, more like s seedy factory you might find in the back streets of India employing children working in sub-human conditions.
I called to make an appointment and she started a spiel about having a great deal on braces. No thanks, not interested in braces. But it's a great deal. NO! Do you have anyone in your household who might be interested in braces? FFS! No! I just was to make an appointment!
She then takes all my information and asks if it's ok to call and remind me about my appointment. I say no, do not call me to remind me, I'm quite capable of making it to a dentist appointment. Well guess who receives not one, but three reminder phone calls? Yep, that would be me.
I really want to work with professionals who listen to my problems and treat me with dignity and respect. None of that here.