I religiously see Oksana for my facials and she is AMAZING. She is the only aesthetician in Arizona I have found who truly understands my skin. For the last year or so I have randomly been breaking out in milia all over my jawline which was the most frustrating and bewildering thing in the world - not only for myself but for Oksana beacuse neither of us could figure out where they were coming from. Needless to say, she dligently would spent over an hour digging these hideous things out of my face one by one - not an easy task, and not a task most faciliasts would take on. I have never had someone be so thorough in their treatment, and I have never, ever broken out after a service which is always a worry for me with oily acne prone skin that is sensitive to just about everything. Long story short, through a process of elimination we were able to finally determine the cause of the milia was the primer I have worn on my face every day for about a year. Sure enough after the last time she extracted all the milia from my face, I stopped using it completely and now they are gone. For someone who works with the public and dealt with the embarrassment of what looked like zits all over my face for over a year, I literally cried when I realized they were gone for good. If you have acne prone skin she is a guru!!! Seriously!!! Thank you