First off I called and explained to Craig my problem and I told him what two other car dealers said to me. I told him I do not live close to the dealer it's a little over an hour away plus I was hitting rush hour traffic. I was told to come into the office anyways. Well nothing worked out AND I was told the exact same thing I told Craig on the phone. I wasted my gas, my time to be told the same thing!!!! I am not very happy about this "family" owned business!!!! Oh and to top off this comment Craig made me feel like a dumb girl and that I didn't know anything. When I was leaving and asked where my car was he pointed outside from the middle of the showroom it's over there in the line of cars. WELL it wasn't it was in the non paved part of the lot. I had to set my alarm off to find my car. I have never been so humiliated and treated like complete crap as I was yesterday. Craig should have walked me out to my car or at least to the door, nope once he realized I wasn't worth anything to him he dismissed me. Thank you for wasting my time, making a useless hit on my credit score because Craig (after he told me my credit score pretty much sucks in a round about way) said it's really hard to get out of a lease. NO CRAP that is why I called!!!!!!!!!! You mean to tell me you didn't know about the difficulties of getting out of a lease when I called you???????
Ashley was about the only good experience out of my wasted time, wasted gas and the negative taste your dealership has left me.