Don't be fooled that you are going to get good service if you are given an appointment quickly when you call. After sitting in the office for one hour after I arrived for my appointment, the unfriendly front office staff member told me she just called my insurance and that my visit wouldn't be covered unless I declared the doctor as my primary care provider. I knew this was not correct because I called my insurance to verify that was not the case before my appointment, and I have my insurance benefits book that specifically says I do not need a PCP and that I can see anyone in the network at any time.
I left the office without seeing anyone and called my insurance company. They had logged in their notes that they told Dr. Forte's office that I had coverage and that they were in my network and that my visit would be covered. Not sure what they were trying to pull, but I feel like I dodged a bullet my not getting swallowed into the black hole of this poorly run practice.