Lots of hate directed towards OTS, and I can see some of the reasons being legit. But, theyre not taking OTS for what it is: a tourist stop! If you're looking for a 5th Avenue NYC experience, you're gonna have a bad day!
Pros: its clean, lots of restaurants and bars, lots of Native American-inspired shops, art galleries, a nice park with greenery and fountains, and that old school Scottsdale feel in the architecture.
Cons: parking is horrible, its overcrowded with pasty Canadians in winter, and full of utter douchenozzles at night when OTS turns into Miami Beach West. Those dang lit up golf carts with sound systems shutting around said douchers are the most ANNOYING things of all time. I cant wait for the day I see one stuffed with "woohoo" girls and douchers in UFC shirts to get t-boned by a Ford F-450 at an intersection. The sight of fake boobs and aviator sunglasses flying all over the place might provoke a chuckle out of me. Same goes for those ridiculous poser pedal bars.