I don't know what the first reviewer was saying but I noticed no flatulence odour on my recent visit to Rocket. If no one else noticed it... maybe it was really that person? Maybe someone just crop dusted near this guy?
OR... maybe he got too close to a certain firework and there was sulphur init? I dunnno, but farts? Come on?!
At any rate, I was picking up and order for a friend who couldn't make it in on time before they closed and I was SHAMAZED (super amazed) that this place not only exists but does so all year round!
More fireworks than you can shake a stick at, and at prices that are literally unmatched in my experience. PLUS, they have non-firework things, like paper lanterns (the ones that float with a candle) and other cool odds and ends, BUT mostly fireworks.
They have massive combo packs, little packs, BIG Ef-in bombers and little pea-shooters. This is like every pyro kids hot wet dream.
Canada Day, I'm coming back! You should too!