Very bland foods. Not worth your time at all.
I usually am a fan of restaurants that cater to just a certain type of menu, because it means that they actually provide great foods for that menu alone. Hash House does breakfast/brunch items, which sounds great on paper.
I ordered the steak and eggs, around $20 for the plate. Asked for steak medium and eggs scrambled
I'm sure the casual diner will love the runny eggs, with juice oozing out of, but scrambled to me shouldn't be runny, so I was not a big fan of it at all. While I know that there's nothing worse than overcooked eggs, watery undercooked are not my thing so have that in mind.
The steak was just....bland. Not bad just, nothing that would make me want to go back. The side of hash was good though. so I really enjoyed it, but that's about it.