Been here twice for the same issue. They cut me a deal (about 50% off) both times after I negotiated them down, which I appreciate. On the other hand, they also started out at a price that I know for a fact is well over what this repair should have cost. The manager's job is apparently to gage a customer's net worth, gauge the price up as high as possible, and then gouge the customer to the extent that he can. I don't know if this is a policy written in stone, but if it was, it would be put there with a gouge. Aaaaand I think I've used all primary and secondary definitions of gage, gauge, and gouge in one review. Impressive.
Back to the useful part of the review. On one hand there's definitely some scalping going on here, but if you're car savvy enough to have a good feeling that you're getting ripped off you can negotiate down to the low end of market value. In my case I got below market value, ergo four stars.
Pros: price is negotiable
Cons: caveat emptor