SCAM ALERT: Watch out!! He simply looked up my nose with something similar to a stethoscope. 2 weeks later, I get a $600 bill for a "surgery" yet I was never cut open, never went under the table and never had a medical surgery procedure.
And the best part is? I was told by their office manager that regardless, I am responsible for paying for this "procedure" when the doctor failed to tell me it was even a procedure to begin with! He simply and nonchalantly asked to "look up my nose" which is standard for an Ear Nose and Throat doctor. But to charge $600 for a 10 second look with your fancy (stethoscope) tool is just wrong. Who knows how many people he's billed with this fake "surgery" but you have been warned!! I can only pray that my insurance will somehow miraculously deem this "surgery" as necessary and pay for it but let's face it, they probably won't.
Also, -1 star because he was one hour late on his scheduled appointment time causing me to be late for work along with endless back and forth phone calls with this office and my insurance company!