Never again! I was promised the moon - efficiency and care - for my inter-provincial move. Instead, after the delivery date passed and I called, the company put out a search for my belongings. When the movers arrived yet another day late, I was blamed for not knowing I was supposed to call the company ahead of time to provide them with the dimensions of my apartment building parking area - so that the need for a smaller truck became my fault! I was charged an extra amount of $335 for the smaller shuttle. Broken and chipped antique furniture, glass, kitchen dishes and missing chairs required the further intervention of a respectful investigator and was paid for by the company. Still, the agent in Montreal assured me I was entrusting my move to the best possible hands. When it was all over and I called to complain, he said that once my stock left Montreal, he had no idea where it went - and was no longer responsible for it. I wish he'd said that at the beginning! A huge disappointment and great expense that could have been avoided. Live and learn.