| - Funny, 2 years later I saw the Chinese lady Named Mary who is also the boss of the store left a comment on my review. Does it make any sense though? Or just wanna pretend to be responsible? I won't forget one single word you said on the phone nor accept your fake apology. Be aware shoppers, she's personally a hypocrite, maybe nice to some shoppers but mean to others, depends on how smart and how rich you are. If you're dumb enough and spend lots of money on her furniture, she absolutely a sweetheart. If not, put everything in black and white, and take your time to read all the tiny words on their paperworks. If you're not good at it, don't risk, and this place is not worth a try. Btw it's easy to tell they give good reviews by themselves to reach higher star. I still save all the paperwork from them as evidence. Mary, stop acting, you can't take back your words. Wanna good business and reputation ? Be decent yourself first!