| - Yeah, this wasn't the highlight of my recent outings with my kids. There was so much wrong that I'll just try to sum it up.
Firstly, I came here with my neighbor and husband and all our collective kids. We arrived as they opened and we parked in the parking area right in front of the SkyPark. And despite that when we left we discovered that we got a warning in the form of a parking map on our car window implying that we weren't supposed to park there if we were attending the church next door; what the heck??
We went in and I had to sign a waiver that basically said that if my kids kill themselves here on a broken spring, torn fabric, etc. even if it's clearly the fault or failure of SkyPark, that I won't hold them liable for anything, ever, period. In fact, I'm fairly sure that if one of their employees had snapped and whipped out a machine gun and killed everyone I would have also signed away my rights to legal recourse for that event too. It definitely not a litigious type, but when the establishment is going out of their way to say no matter how badly screwed up our equipment is, if something happens with our haphazard, poorly maintained equipment it's not on them I get very suspicious and it makes me hyper vigilant about everything. Indeed I saw reason to be hyper vigilant too. There was evidence that this place is poorly maintained and struggling, badly. I saw torn spring guards, ripped trampolines, AC units dripping condensation into 55 gallon trash cans, caution tape draped across whole sections that were off limits, and evidence of general deferred maintenance everywhere.
I directed my kids to the least threating looking area: a foam pit in the back corner, and made a mental note not to come back here. Then the kids announced they were hungry so I ventured to the almost bare concession stand in the back and asked about the pizza for $14 they advertised on the marquee above the concession stand. The bored employee texting on his cell phone looked up long enough to tell me that I needed to just call Mama Mia Pizza in the shopping center and order one since that's where they order their pizzas from anyway. Confused, I confirmed with him that the process to order a pizza for my family though the SkyPark concession stand was just to call Mamma Mia Pizza and order it myself? Yep. That's correct. Okay, so I'll call Mamma Mia Pizza.... (Review continued at Mamma Mia Pizza)