The Elgin & Winter Garden Theatre Centre is the only still operating double-decker theatre complex in the world. The Winter Garden Theatre is located directly atop the Elgin Theatre stage and auditorium.
That being said, both spaces are vastly unique and offer an equally pleasant experience. Designed by Marcus Leow and opened originally in 1914, the theatres were originally employed by vaudeville and silent-movie tenants. The upstairs Winter Garden Theatre went the way of the dodo and was sealed off for like 65 years!
In the mid-1980's The Ontario Heritage Foundation stepped in and began a massive restoration after the closing of CATS, taking over two years to complete. The Ontario Heritage Trust still offers weekly tours for the public.
The EWG offers live programming as a rental house to a wide range of theatre: Ross Petty's Christmas Panto, Opera Atelier and Dancap Productions to name a few. I find it most exciting in September when the Toronto International Film Festival rolls in.. If you can catch a film in the Elgin Theatre, its actually worth the overpriced TIFF cost of admish!