This store should be a lot more successful considering its location next to a Toys'R'us. Upon entry, customers will find the store very clean and well kept. The walls are littered with lots of cool displays, large TVs (frequently playing movies), posters and action figures. The prices seem fair compared to other local stores, but something is lacking...
Many of the toys and displays seen at this place are stuff that people would look at but never really buy for themselves. The comic selection consists of a basic six month wall with zero backstock. The supplies are of average assortment. Behind the counter you might find some variants and other semi-rare comics. Customer service is decent but not overly friendly. I never see anyone buy anything at this store when I go there. I even went to this place on free comic book day and the crowd just seemed to have less people there than other stores. The best way I can describe this place is an overly glamorous version of Samurai Comics... it looks "epic" but screams average to hardcore comic fans.