I only come here for the convienience because it's a faster drive than going to Smiths on Sunset. Outside of that the parking situation is really hit or miss, and parking is quite awkward.
On top of the awkward parking it doesn't get any easier as you get hassled by 2 to 3 hobos outside of the building asking for bus money. I had one guy tell me he fucked up his life gambling and need money for a sub. I think what he meant was he needed money for subpar quality meth. I am horrible with interpretations though.
Albertsons gambled on hoping that area would be more affluent and it was quite the swing and miss. You would think they would have cops to get rid of those pan-handlers.
Coming here on weeknights is way worse. Less cars, more hobo. The hobo to no hobo ratio is quite high, even if I were to give change...it will create a domino effect. Actually now that I think about it, I'm sure these guys aren't even homeless and want some extra change because it's a passtime.
Whatever, just like this Albertsons, this review is sub-par.