I spend a lot of time studying here. Tonight I had an experience that really bothered me. There's a ton of employees walking around and there were only 3 or 4 other people in the building. I stood up front to order for over 5 minutes before someone came over. A woman saw I was there and said "oh I didn't know you were out here" and walked completely past me to do something at the drink station. She ended up cutting her finger and bleeding...so I'm ordering...she proceeds to suck on her bleeding finger as I'm ordering. Not only that, she handed me my buzzer with the hand that was bleeding and goes "I don't know what I hit my hand on that made me cut it".
I ordered an iced latte and they brought me out a hot one. So I said, I ordered an iced latte not a hot one. She goes, "want me to bring you a cup of ice?"
I paid $14 for half a bowl of soup, half sandwhich and a latte. I liked it a lot more and didn't mind paying when it was Paradise Bakery but the food is NOT worth the amount of money that is spent here...at all.
Honestly- if it wasn't one of the only places open on Easter Sunday, I wasn't starving and wasn't in the midst of my finals this week, I would've left. I won't come back.