Don't ever go to this school. They are slow to respond, refuse to work with you on any issue and don't even try to help you in an important situation. If it doesn't fit into what they want, you're SOL. I graduated from CSN in the spring of this year and I didn't get any word that my degree was in the mail. I check it out and not only was it mailed, it was mailed days ago, but to the wrong address. Those idiots didn't take the time of day to check EVERY PIECE of paper work (online and in physical form) that showed my change of address TWO YEARS AGO. Now I have to deal with the uncooperative and inefficient staff to not only find the degree, but to make sure they don't screw up again. Speaking of screw ups, they even messed up my transfer to UNLV by not sending the paper work in time. Now I have to wait a whole semester to finally pick classes and get back on track. F*** CSN and F*** any one who isn't a professor that works there.