Have recently been thinking about buying a new smartphone, and since Bell's my service provider for Fibe and internet, I thought I'd stop by the store to check out what they have on offer.
BIG MISTAKE! HUGE! I walked in and started to look at the phones and was quite enjoying the experience, that is until this SUPER ANNOYING CHICK from Samsung walked up to me to tell me all about the new Samsung Galaxy S4...seriously? I told her I was just browsing and she proceeded to talk my ear off about how wonderful this phone is, going on ad nauseam about the phone's features...I couldn't get rid of her. I told her 3 times that I was just looking. She finally got the hint and said...'ok, I'll leave you to browse now'...only to come back like 2 minutes later to show me the pictures she'd taken of her recent trip, and to tell me how 'amazing the calendar feature is' and the 'voice activated texting features is so awesome'. At one point she asked me to hold the phone so that I could "feel how light it is'. I had to hand it back to her immediately, as I was suddenly overcome with an almost overwhelming desire to beat her over the head with the thing just so she would leave me alone.
Needless to say, I calmly handed the phone back to her and walked out.