| - This was also the worst medical experience of my life.
My first contact with their office was when I called to schedule an IUD consultation and insertion. The receptionist with whom I spoke told me that I would be able to get the IUD inserted in the same appointment as the consultation. I double checked that she was sure about this, since they were scheduling several months out and I wanted to schedule the insertion appointment at that point if it required two appointments. She assured me that the insertion and the consultation happen on the same day.
I was very nervous about the procedure, so I took the day off of work. My boyfriend also took the day off in case I needed moral support or post-insertion care. I got a single Valium pill from my general practitioner to help get me through the procedure, and took it ahead of the appointment. When I got there, the nurse told me that they do insertions and consultations as separate appointments, and that they order IUDs for patients ahead of time so there was no way I could get it done. I was quite upset, given the adjustments I had made to get the procedure done that day, which I told the nurse. She said that she would check to see what they could do. I was then left alone in the exam room for upwards of 45 minutes.
She came back in and told me that they would give me an IUD that had been reserved for someone else. I had two or three clarification questions about what to expect with an IUD based on the research that I had already done, and it was clear that she did not know the answers, but she answered the questions anyway (with obviously incorrect answers).
As other reviewers have noted, Dr. Trupin's bedside manner is terrible. She made me feel as if I was an inconvenience to her and commented that doing my IUD procedure was taking time away from her other patients.
When they inserted the IUD, it was so painful that I flinched involuntarily and squeezed the hand of the nurse. She yelled, "OW!," glared at me, and told me that I had hurt her. Dr. Trupin said, "You moved too much, so it may have perforated your uterus," and they both walked out, rather than talking to me about the implications of this. I started crying because I was upset and in pain. I asked the nurse who stayed to please get my boyfriend from the waiting room, and she refused. She then asked me why I was crying rather than offering any comfort or support to me.
As if this wasn't bad enough, their office staff called to berate me because I told my insurance the date that I got the procedure done. Since they gave me someone else's IUD, they wanted me to lie to my insurance agency about the date of the procedure. The staffperson was incredibly condescending and rude to me about the fact that I had not lied.
Generally, the staff members with whom I interacted were, to varying degrees, misinformed, disorganized, unprofessional, uncompassionate, and potentially even unethical. Since my own experience, I have heard similar experiences from friends- I have never met anyone who had a good experience here. They should be ashamed that they offer such poor service to women on such sensitive health issues.