| - I can't stand this place.... or maybe the corporation. The past three visits there, I've gone in to get the latest Disney movie WITH a coupon. First off, they never have the latest releases in a nice display.... they're hidden amongst other movies. If you want the Blu-ray.... Forget it, that's in another part of the store.
"You have a coupon to buy "Peter Pan"?? Well Ma'am, if you read the fine print, it expired yesterday... or your coupon is smudged from your printer and we can't scan it.... and if you read the SUPER FINE print, it says that it's not valid for Disney items (amongst 300 other brands)"
"You have a coupon on your phone? Sorry Ma'am, you have to print it up and bring it to us so we can scan the barcode (which is in perfect resolution on your phone screen) and just throw it in the garbage."
"Target AND Walmart are selling "Little Mermaid" for a lower price? Well Ma'am, you have to bring the ad in to us"
"You have the ad on your phone?? That doesn't count Ma'am.... you need to print it out, bring it in, and then we'll tell you that Toys R Us doesn't price match"
"Ma'am, we are out of stock on the Bluray of Planes.... and yes ma'am, we're aware that the coupon for your movie ends tomorrow (even though the movie came out yesterday), and we're out of stock and no, we don't offer rainchecks. We can't sell you the movie if we don't have it"
UGGGGH!!!! Damn you Toys R Us!!! Damn you!!!!! No matter what coupon I have, it is never just a smooth transaction!!!!!