USAA is the best of the best of the best. I'm not kidding. They know what they're doing Everything from their website navigation, user friendly online banking, and their SUPERB customer service. "Really?" "Superb." "Keep it up." "Superb." "Say it again." "Superb."
Well, Empire Records quote out of the way, I have been with USAA ever since... forever. I was grandfathered in under my Dad who is a retired USAF Lt. Colonel. Actually, I first started dealing with them directly when I opened my first Master Card as an 18 year old before moving out and going to college. And then soon after I dealt with USAA's customer service line numerous times because my car loan and car insurance are through them.
Whenever I called them about anything their customer service representatives have been angels. I say they've been angels because compared to other customer service reps at other companies I've spoken to these people have to be from another plane of existence to consistently be so amazing. I've called crying because I locked my keys in my car, or just confused over something having to do with registering my car and not being able to get my proof of insurance printed out in enough time (gee, the wonders of a irresponsible teenage college student). But every time they have been great. Going on 9 years now they have never let me down.
As soon as I snag myself a full time job I am moving my checking account over to USAA. They offer direct deposit and deposit from home. They also offer a set amount of money to be returned to your bank account at the end of every month if you happen to take out money at one of those nasty ATMs that charge you an arm and a leg for use. I hate that and knowing I could get that money back would be awesome.
My plan is to be with USAA forever. I have no reason to switch to anyone else. They've been in my family for a long time. My parents, me, my brother, and sister have all been with them for some reason or another and they have never done us wrong.