| - The fantastic ladies at Hair Fairies in Charlotte are truly amazing. The team of Brittany Brown, Michelle Helms, and their fearless leader, Margie Pimentel, are beyond wonderful. After an outbreak of lice at school, we quickly booked an appointment and these wonderful woman were able to diagnose and treat while making us laugh, accommodating our crazy schedules and encouraging us to carry on with our heads help high. They are a wonderful group and acted as specialist and therapists to help us all over the initial ick of the situation. Additionally, in our numerous visits due to our crazy schedule, they became true friends. They made us educated, informed, and proactive. What more could you ask for from these superheroes. We are grateful. Regan, Patrick, and I are in their debt. Our school is aware of this fantastic company and we are spreading the word. Many, many thanks for coming to Charlotte.