My daughter was 7 months old and she has severe eczema she's been screaming and crying for hours and scratching her herself nonstop it's a bloody mess. One of the nurse was being kinda rude because I overheard the word morphine I called my husband to make sure that they are not giving my baby morphine. He asked to speak to the doctor I asked the nurse if she could speak to him she basically just brush me off saying "I don't have time to talk to him " they got an IV on her and were about to give her doses of Benadryl,Antibiotic and Morphine !!! Both me and my husband strongly disagree because she's a little baby and just because she is screaming her lungs out and has severe skin flares ups does not mean she needs morphine!!!! We were transfer to Levine and the doctor there was also shocked when we told him they were gonna give her morphine.