5 BIG stars for this one.
As a bride looking to register for dishes, this place is an oasis compared to The Bay, Sears, or whatever other big box department store people typically register at.
Questions about your dishes? You get knowledgeable answers.
Need someone with good advice to help you choose? The sales staff have great taste.
Want some better prices? Believe it or not, but this beats The Bay.
The only down side is they're only in the GTA so out of town guests will have to order from your online registry (they can also put a set amount towards a gift rather than buy someone outright).
They offer free delivery.
If come your wedding you realize you hate the dishes you chose, you can return them all and exchange them for dishes you like more. The Bay holds you to a one month from the date the gift was purchased return policy which, if you think about it, is pretty useless for wedding gifts.
I highly recommend skipping The Bay or any of those other big box department stores if you have the choice and coming here.
See for yourself. I'm 100% sold on William Ashley.