| - "I chill at White Castle 'cause it's the best
But I'm fly at Fat Burger when I way out west"
- Beastie Boys, "The New Style"
A classic line from one of the all-time greats, but with two major flaws:
1. Fatburger sucks
2. There's now a White Castle WAY OUT WEST
This fairly new White Castle is located in the Casino Royale ... which is appropriate when you realize that the "Casino Royale" is a somewhat divey casino with a Best Western Plus serving as the casino hotel. (Hey, at least it's not Ellis Island, right?)
It's been roughly 15 years since I was actually inside a White Castle, but the company remains the same ... Jersey-boy turned LV local and Yelper Jay F. was at my side just as he was 15 years back. (This guy used to smuggle White Castle burgers back to LV with him when he visited his parents in NJ. You can only guess his level of happiness)
White Castle is one of those fast food places that invokes a strong reaction from people ... and unlike, say, In-N-Out, the reactions can run hot or cold. Those who love it speak of White Castle as a holy grail of fast food, and worship the Crave Case deity. Those who don't get how a thin patty, dehydrated onions, and cheese steamed into one gooey concoction that "slides" down your throat (hence the name sliders) can be heaven on earth will be utterly confused about what the big deal is.
I had forgotten how sinfully delicious a sack of 10 White Castle sliders are, how gloriously gluttonously disgusting you feel after pounding so many sliders, and the distinctive aftermath that soon follows.
Ahhhhh memories ... memories that will last forever.