This is a church full of God's love. I was attending off and on for a year or so when I fully committed myself and started serving in the children's ministry. I adore the pastoral team here at the Church LV. You might read some complaints about the church on either a super religious scale or a cultural one. Religiously, I've heard (and read) "speaking in tongues" or the gifts of the spirit is not something they believe in and the worship experience is "too loud." some people enjoy a quiet church. It's hard to leave what you know or we're raised into. It was hard for me with a Pentacostal background. I love the focus on groups outside of the services and how involved the church is with the community. The sermons are so relevant to my life and with what's happening with the world today.
I don't remember Pastor Benny specifically preaching on any specific sin (which is what I grew up with). He has undergone hate mail and email from religious people saying he is not "hard on sin." I have heard plenty of messages about the goodness of God and his grace and I can tell you a better man writes this review today.
If you are shopping and for churches and you don't plant your feet here at the Churchlv then that's okay, I hope you find what you're looking for. This church can be classified as a Nondenominational Charismatic Church, for those that want to have an idea of what to expect. You can also stream the sermons live online during 8:30, 10:00, or 11:45 Sunday morning services as well as the Saturday night 6pm worship experience.
God bless!