This is to do with the online ordering so not sure if this location is to blame, but the online ordering sucks! I decided to take advantage of some boxing day deals and made an online order for next day delivery. Ordered on Christmas day, delivery day is December 28th between 9am-5pm. Confused about next day part, but it's Christmas, i get it, would have thought 27th, but i can live with the 28th. Unfortunately that means i have to wait around the house all day waiting for delivery (price i now pay for not going into store) 28th comes and goes, wait all day and no delivery. I send an email to cusomer service (?) to ask the status. I get a response that i will get an answer by end of day Friday (30th?) Fortunately I happen to stop by home and by some stroke of luck it happens to be when a courier van is delivering my package. Yeah! I ask the guy why its a day late and he tells me that today is the 28th!!! I'm like no it is actually the 29th, but he insists that today is the 28th. Nice to try and blame the calandar for being wrong, but at the end of the day very poor service!!!