A lot of food for the money. Pretty good, not spectacular, but I do hope that this business survives. It is in such a strange location (inside Doc Holliday's) with almost no signage outside. The inside is a big room with old booths, a concrete floor, and minimal not particularly attractive decor.
We will probably eat there again (or get take-out), but Maribel makes me appreciate the charm and food quality at Las Cazuelas, the other pretty new place located in the same shopping center. LC serves smaller portions but the food is regional Mexican (not your typical fare) of excellent quality. The people serving us at both restaurants were very nice which is one reason I hope both of them survive.
Bottom line: If we want ambiance and excellent authentic food we will go to Las Cazuelas. If we want good food and a lot of leftovers, we will go to Maribel's.