| - Veterinary Neurological in AZ is the WORST, OF THE WORST, OF THE WORST. For the most uncaring vets go to horrific Veterinary Neurological. OMG! Incompetent. Uncaring. Overpriced. Hated everything. Management was useless. (The owner's son is the manager -- has no idea what management is). Run from VNC!
Also, they totally ripped me off and had me think I was seeing a neurologist when I was seeing ONLY a resident. I paid full price for a neurologist but got a student. I brought my dog Rudy there in an emergency and got incompetent Dr. Philip Schissler. He was so inexperienced, he was clueless about the deadly emergency my dog was in. (My dog died a month later, he was only 7.) Dr. Schissler even wanted me to pay $3,000 for a pet MRI (all over Scottsdale , like Charles Pullen's office, they're cheaper, 75% less -- only $750. So don't let Veterinary Neurological Center rip you off for thousands.) Dr. Philip Schissler should be ashamed to call himself a vet.
It gets worse, I insisted on seeing a REAL neurologist and they sent in Dr. Jason Evans. Between Schissler, DVM and Dr. Evans, DVM, it was like Dumb and Dumber. Dr. Evans did not even hold or touch my dog. He gazed at me from across the room and when I said I didn't have $3,000 for an MRI, he said "Then you'll have to consider your dog's quality of life." REALLY, Dr. Evans? Put my dog down? How 'bout YOU consider looking at my dog and talking to me about his condition, since Schissler knows nothing,
Bottom line, RUN, do not just walk away from Veterinary Neurological Center. If you want a great neurology team, fly your pet to Oklahoma State University Vet Teaching Hospital. I did that with Rudy next, and they were REAL doctors. Cost 1/2 of VNC's $3000 MRI price to fly all the way there AND get the MRI and much more done!