I could not live without Korean food, as it is ingrained into my DNA. I have physical withdrawals when I don't have Asian food at least once a week - the powerful craving for kimchi and the like cannot be ignored...for long (we're talking like, 3 days).
I don't think I would survive without this store -it doesn't matter which end or part of the city I live, I visit it at least once a month to stock up on my supplies of premade food where you need to just add rice (like the bibimbop) - perfectly healthy and cheap lunch options -and side dishes. It's true that the side dishes don't come in huge servings but you're not supposed to eat the side dishes in one sitting or anything. I usually spend about $80 here and the supply lasts me about a month - I'd say a good deal overall.
I love the fact that they have prepared packages and also have the ingredients available for those who are more - apt in cooking. Korean food I find, is hard to cook for one, since it's mostly made in batches, and are time consuming - so I appreciate the packaged goodies. There's a decent selection for the more health consciousness and some prepared cooking "kits" which I love for days when I feel like "cooking."
As a Korean that can't really cook - I love this place. It has everything I ask for, without going to Korea.