Sean early physical therapy is the go-to place for your physical therapy needs it's kind of like a small boutique gastro type physical therapy place rather than going to those cattle call Warehouse type therapy conventions. The level of personal attention is excellent. Their focus is on you withput dustraction. Sean and AL each have more than 20 years of hands on expertise, and their knowledge and bedside manner is higher than your average doctor.
These guys are almost like mind . I will go out of my way, way out of my way, the next time I need therapy. Sean early Physical Therapy Clinic my favorite because not only did Al help me heal physically but he has some natural ability to help you heal mentally keep you engaged and he's a wizard at Trivial Pursuit. Then front office staff help, and remind d you, and are courteous, and friendly. Overall, an amazing positive experience that went from initial anxiety, to a pleasurable healing experience.