Some of the prices are really high but that's not the main reason why I am giving this a low rating. They have deceptive offers on many products. As an example, I recently noticed that Strawberries had a buy one get one free deal going on. They were in boxes of one pound and the per pound club price was quoted as $2. I knew that same week Walmart had $1 per pound on the same strawberry boxes but since this one is the same if I took two boxes, I decided to buy. While checking out, the cashier said the price per pound is $2 after the deal. When I asked for the free box, he said I can get that if I pay $4 for the first one! That was the non club card price but he said the offer is what makes the club card price $2. Okay, so they wanted to price four times that of Walmart, refuse to do a price match and call that a 'special' buy one get one free deal for club card holders! Can it get any worse?
Same experience for Pistachios.
I don't see any reason why anyone should buy from here, especially when they have deals like this. They don't do a price match although key competitors like Walmart and Frys do.